This page has been set up to allow George's family, friends and students to view up-to-date information regarding his upcoming memorial service in Australia. This page will be updated regularly and should be used as a reference point to check the validity of anything heard by word of mouth or posted on Facebook.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Parking and Venue Access

The aeriel photograph below details available parking (yellow) and pedestrian access (red) to the MPC building.

There are 4 main carparks available as well as street parking along Laughlin Street (be aware of no standing zones in front of Kingston Primary School).

The only disabled access to the venue is via the Bega Road entrance (left side of the photograph).  This is via a lift in the Multi-Purpose Centre.

There will be signage indicating how to get to the MPC from the various carparks.  Please note it is not possible to walk directly from the first entrance on Laughlin Street to the MPC building as the road is closed as part of a construction zone.  Please also only use designated walkways and pedestrian crossings when moving around College grounds.

If you are unfamiliar with how to get to the College directions can be accessed at the link below: