This page has been set up to allow George's family, friends and students to view up-to-date information regarding his upcoming memorial service in Australia. This page will be updated regularly and should be used as a reference point to check the validity of anything heard by word of mouth or posted on Facebook.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Future Posts

We are a week out from George's memorial now.  In the next few days information will be published on:
* how to get to the venue
* where to park
* special access (e.g. disability / special needs parking)

Please keep praying for George's family and close friends as they make final preparations for the service.

A reminder that the service will begin at 10am however the venue will be open from 9.15am onwards.  We are expecting several hundred people to attend so please bear this in mind when making your travel arrangements.

Also remember that if you wish to wear something red in remembrance of George you are most welcome to.